We are proven experts in planning Commencement and we are also experts in communicating about it.


We will provide custom actionable solutions for past or emerging ceremony planning challenges, ideas for streamlining processes, and ways to ensure that the most visible event of the school year goes off without a hitch.


Our workshops are designed for teams and share proven approaches to planning graduation ceremonies, selecting and working with vendors, communicating with graduates and families, making ceremonies inclusive, and more.


We thrive in real-time situations with challenging graduates, last-minute script edits, vendor management, live troubleshooting, and operational support. We have pro-level in-ceremony experience with both Marching Order and GradImages.

Unlike an institution's division of marketing and communications, we are experts in planning Commencement and we are experts in communicating about all aspects of it.

Especially this year, ceremonies will require elevated attention and communications expertise ahead of the big day instead of damage control and crisis communications later.

We are experts in the field

Our team brings over nearly two decades of combined experience overseeing graduation ceremonies to our work. We have a successful track record of planning complex ceremonies, developing innovative tools and resources, enhancing guest and graduate experiences, and building cultures of collaboration amongst teams and volunteers. Our ability to drive and achieve results has led to international presentations, media recognition, and relationships with vendors who highlight our expertise.

We want you to be successful

Graduates and families wait years for this moment and you only get one time to get graduation right. We know that you want it to be perfect and may not have the time, institutional expertise, or specialized knowledge needed to assess, conceptualize, implement, and execute with the attention to detail required to get it right. In this day and age, one misstep or missed detail can lead to viral media attention that can damage your professional career or institutional reputation, impact donor and alumni relationships, and most sadly create a negative memory for graduates.

You have one time to get it right.